Bruce Stigler

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Born and raised on Capitol Hill Seattle in a large Irish Catholic family and a longtime Boeing Parts Receiving Manager (paints the numbers on wing parts that will go together in the correct order - only did it wrong once in 22 years).

Married to Debbie and father of son Colin.

Avid sports fan and played most very almost well ;loves skiing,hiking, camping and oh yeah; FISHING!!
 Currently kicking Graeme's ass on the golf course even with modest drives of 202 yds( have a sneaky way of getting others to partake of my Jameson flask right before they tee-off).

Very happy to be the group van driver thru Alaska but be forewarned - keep me awake with your snoring, I WILL HURT YOU!
Get your line tangled in mine, I WILL HURT YOU.

Favorite color - green ; food - Italian ; actress - Miley Cyrus.

P.S. my laugh is way bigger than my bite.