Bruce Stigler

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Married to Sue. Three grown kids, all off the Ryan payroll.
Son Matt recently returned from 15 months In Iraq with the Army.
Once caught a 70 Lb sail fish out of Port St Lucy Florida. It was New Years Day and my brothers and I may have been over served the evening before so not much recollection of the event.
Sue and I have had the opportunity to move about – with assignments in SFO, Detroit, London, Sydney and now Hawaii.
London was the best, although we really loved our stay in Sydney.

Whilst in Australia went on a walkabout into the harsh interior, returning with incredible survival skills including, but not limited to, how to barbecue a kangaroo and what snakes taste better than others. Expects the Aussies will out-fish and out-drink the locals on this trip.

Sailing, skiing, golf, hiking are some of the things I enjoy (although it has been a couple of years since I have done any water or snow skiing.)